Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Good bye Mrs McCord

Today we did our special assembly for Mrs McCord.
We did some fantastic singing!!!
We will miss Mrs McCord.

Monday, April 4, 2011


The Lions Reading Group went around school today looking for things that began with an E. It was a really hard letter to find words. But we found some. After we used Comic Life to put our photos on.
Here it is.

By Adam, Zac and Joshua

The Gruffalo By Coluton and Payge

The Gruffalo by Krystal and Stephanie

The Gruffalo By Ben and Jordan

The Gruffalo By Emma and Arabella

The Gruffalo- By Morgan and Zachary

The Gruffalo- By Joshua and Adam

The Gruffalo - By Leiticia and Michael B

The Gruffalo - By Eloise and Charlotte

The Gruffalo

We have been reading The Gruffalo. Here is Miss Billyard's Gruffalo done on Kids Pix. We wrote sentences during writing time about what the Gruffalo looks like. 

Song- To learn

We need to learn this song for next week, we will be learning it at song and singing it everyday!

Discovery Time- Flight

This week for discovery we looked at a lot of different things that fly, we tried to make things fly.
We had balloons to make hot air balloons, parachutes, bubbles, ribbons, boxes to make aeroplanes or rockets.
Check out our video which shows some of the things we made, and photos that people took during Discovery.

Discovery Time- Flight on PhotoPeach

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Athletics on PhotoPeach

Athletics Day

We had a wonderful day on Wednesday for Athletics. We took part in several different activities, high jump, long jump, discus, shot put, running races, hurdles and morning tea. We had a really great morning. Check out our writing on Athletics and which bit was our favourite.

Red Puppy Day

On Friday it was Red Puppy Day.
We were raising money for the training of Guide Dogs.
On Thursday we made cookies in the shape of a dog and on Friday we used the same shape and put our coins all around the outside to make the shape of the dog.
We raised over $130.00, so well done everybody.